It is four weeks since we left Irelad and we really wanted the Irish people to come because as you know we really enjoyed the time we had in Ireland and we became such good friends.

I have to say that the most curious thing is they were absolutely amazed by San Sebastian. Everything was gorgeous for them; the weather, the views, the beaches, the people... I can understand it because the Basque Country is different in some ways to Ireland.
On the other hand, we did a lot of things together, indeed, we spent all the time together; we went to the beach (Ondarreta), to have a walk through the coastile, we went to have fun to the Old Part... I have to add that in seemed they had not never gone to have fun or that way at least. I mean, they go to house parties but not to bars or pubs as we do in here. They really liked they had a great time..
I miss my parter, and I feell everybody does it as well. Apart from being our parteners also they have become good friends, and I want them to come back or I will go to Ireland maybe, well we could be doing both things; we are young and it is time to take advantages of this things!!!
To sum up, going to Ireland and Irish people coming to San Sebastian it's been an expectacular experience and I would recommend it to anyone :D