DAY 1: Two weeks ago, some people from Emaus came to explain us the importance of Fair Trade. We dealt with them about the different views and aspects of the people from their project.
Then, they explained us the most important aims of it.
DAY 2:
Last Friday we had the chance to talk about an Indian Emaus cooperator, exactly the founders daughter "Mon".
She started explaining us how was the beginning of Emaus and what are the main aims of it.
She started working with her neighbors. She contributed in a lot of economical activities and also she got in contact with Belgium because they wanted to support the workshop Emaus has given them a lot of interaction.
Nowadays as we know in these countries, people don't work in good contitions and even don't have enough salary to bring up their children and their own. So Emaus program, tried to defend the rights of these workers. They have done a lot of work to achieve it and nowadays plenty of the workers work in much better conditions.
They earn for what they work. I mean, they earn a fair quantity of money. The products they sell are equivalent to the money they have received for fabricating it.
ON the other hand, there are some products and they keep on giving solutions to avoid them such as environmental solutions women rights( women don't earn as much as men)
*They have some educational programs to help them. Now, thanks to it more people has the chance to develop their facilities of life.
This experience was different from the ones we have done before. A new experience, a new exercise... we had the chance to be in contact with people that work mainly helping other people's life. We shared ideas and different opinions and it was a great moment.
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